
Tips for writing great posts that increase your site traffic

2 november 2019

Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic that will interest your readers, invite an expert to write about it.

Speak to your audience

You know your audience better than anyone else, so keep them in mind as you write your blog posts. Write about things they care about. If you have a company Facebook page, look here to find topics to write about

Take a few moments to plan your post

Once you have a great idea for a post, write the first draft. Some people like to start with the title and then work on the paragraphs. Other people like to start with subtitles and go from there. Choose the method that works for you.

Don’t forget to add images

Be sure to include a few high-quality images in your blog. Images break up the text and make it more readable. They can also convey emotions or ideas that are hard to put into words.

Edit carefully before posting

Once you’re happy with the text, put it aside for a day or two, and then re-read it. You’ll probably find a few things you want to add, and a couple more that you want to remove. Have a friend or colleague look it over to make sure there are no mistakes. When your post is error-free, set it up in your blog and publish.

Verandering Alimentatieduur
door duda-wsm 7 november 2019
De looptijd van de partneralimentatie gaat veranderen per 1 januari 2020. Vanaf 2020 zijn de spelregels echter ingrijpend aangepast. De Wet herziening partneralimentatie brengt een verandering aan van de maximale termijn van twaalf jaar.
Vergeet niet het pensioen bij de scheiding
door duda-wsm 7 november 2019
Pensioen en scheiding. Moet dat nu al geregeld worden ? Als je gaat scheiden komt er ontzettend veel op je af. Waarschijnlijk ben je niet in zakelijke topvorm vanwege de emoties die bij een scheiding komen kijken. Dan is het best lastig om te zorgen dat je geen belangrijke zaken vergeet. Is je pensioen dan belangrijk?Je denkt misschien: ‘dat is nog zover weg’ of ‘dat zien we dan wel weer’. Daarmee loop je wel het risico om jezelf, of je ex-partner, tekort te doen.
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